Go to Setup in the top-right menu of Digesto and and enter your Marketo REST information.
Prerequisites: Create an API Role, a dedicated API User, and Launchpoint service, see related Marketo Documentation for full details - simple instructions to follow below:
Recommended REST API Settings: Access API (All rights)
Minimal REST API Settings (this may change over time as we add new features): Access API, Approve Assets, Execute Campaign, Read-Only Campaign, and Read-Write Assets.
Where Do I Find My Marketo REST API Information?
In the Marketo Admin section look "Web Services" on the left-hand side to access REST Endpoint information. Access the Launchpoint Service section and collect your Client ID and Client Secret.
Watch this short Video for a quick walkthrough (point-form recap notes available at bottom of this article).
Ok, that was as technical as it can get. Now let's go to the fun part!
Video Recap Notes:
Go to "Admin" in Marketo
Create an API-Only Role if you don't have one yet: go to Roles, select “access API” (everything in it) as the only thing selected.
Create a dedicated user for Digesto: Invite new user: api@yourcompanyname.com for example. Name it "API User."
Select the new “API Only” role that you just created AND API-Only checkboxGo to “Launchpoint” and create a new Website Service: Name: Digesto, Type: Custom, Description: For Digesto, and select the API User you just created in previous step.
View details on that user and copy the Client ID and Secret to put into Digesto.
Go to “Web Services” to get the REST API endpoint to put into Digesto.